Sales & Marketing… Friends or Foes?

Many businesses rely solely on their Sales teams to drive leads, sales and repeat buys. Marketing and Sales might seem like two sides of the same coin, but they each have their own unique magic.

You can’t run a successful business without a Marketing team. Fact. Oh, and we don’t mean a Marketing person who sits in the office and does a bit of everything.  We mean a whole squad of Marketing specialists who challenge the status quo and drive the business forward like their life depended on it. There we said it! Just call us the mid-field in your football team, while Sales can be the front forward strike force.

Don’t shoot us down yet, here are our reasons why Sales should never work without Marketing support.

While Sales is all about sealing the deal, Marketing sets the stage for those deals to happen. Marketing does the heavy lifting with research, branding, content creation, and lead generation, making it easier for the Sales team to close the deal. When Marketing and Sales work together, it’s a match made in business heaven…just like tea and biscuits!

While you’re here…would you like to know more about our Marketing services? Get in touch here, we would love to get to know you…we’ll just pop the kettle on!