Plug In Marketing

Nervous about working with an agency? Let us explain a little about how we work...

Complimentary, freelance, additional resource… there are lots of ways to think of us. We work with clients who have a one-man marketing team, to clients with a ten-man strong marketing team. 

Sometimes we plug in for three months or a one-off project, other times we sit along the team on-going day to day support. 

You have all the benefits of one extra person in the team, but with a studio of skills, experience and expertise to offer even more support and resource. 

What is the offer? 
Ten for one. 
Marketing, design, animation and much more! 

How does it work?

And more…

  • Unlimited tea when you come in (or coffee)
  • 3 for 1 team (minimum)
  • No overheads or holidays
  • No pensions or software costs
  • 1 day of Alchemy in person
  • Reduced Xmas party spend
  • Lots of snacks (and snack chat)
  • A very good Christmas card

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