

Design aficionado! Wanted to be a graphic designer (or hairdresser, or a nurse, or something to do with sport) Favourite colour is Party in the field green #437C2C Training to… Sarah

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Co-founder of the company Wanted to be a carpet fitter like his dad Favourite colour is Never up past midnight blue #14213D Passed his driving test first time, twice (it’s… Paul

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Consumer of chicken Wanted to be a footballer Favourite colour is Colour of my car purple #4BOO76 Most important fact is that he’s ‘left footed’ Go-to snack is a Square… Tom

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Always Marv-ellous Wanted to be an actor Favourite colour is Royal Purple #2596be Can’t hear Go-to snack a packet of Hula Hoops Best known for daily 8am Lucozades Alchemy highlight… Marv

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Founded the company alongside Paul Wanted to be an accountant Favourite colour is Middle age blue #0F4C64 Can’t burp Go-to snack is a Scotch egg Best known for looking like… Scott

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Makes things move Wanted to be a graphic designer Favourite colour is Just white #FFFFFF Doesn’t have an interesting fact Go-to snack is peanut butter and cucumber on toast Best… Liam

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